Darby's English Translation

Psalms 3

The Book of Psalms

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Chapter 4


  {To the chief Musician. On stringed instruments. A Psalm of David.} When I call, answer me, O God of my righteousness: in pressure thou hast enlarged me; be gracious unto me, and hear my prayer. 



  Ye sons of men, till when is my glory [to be put] to shame? [How long] will ye love vanity, will ye seek after a lie? Selah. 



  But know that Jehovah hath set apart the pious [man] for himself: Jehovah will hear when I call unto him. 



  Be moved with anger, and sin not; meditate in your own hearts upon your bed, and be still. Selah. 



  Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and confide in Jehovah. 



  Many say, Who shall cause us to see good? Lift up upon us the light of thy countenance, O Jehovah. 



  Thou hast put joy in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their new wine was in abundance. 



  In peace will I both lay me down and sleep; for thou, Jehovah, alone makest me to dwell in safety. 


Psalms 5





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