A Review of Ted R. Weiland and Mission to Israel Ministries.

Teaching of Ted R. Weiland

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A Review of Ted R. Weiland
and Mission to Israel Ministries



Conclusion: What I Learned in Dealing with Ted Weiland.

By John Hurt


When I wrote my first letter to Ted Weiland, I intended that our conversation would be completely private. I had a lot of respect for Ted, as he is a well-known author and evangelist. So when I began my correspondence with Ted that Christ is superior to Paul, I envisioned that Ted would either:

A. Ignore me...

B. Write me back and tell me I was wrong, or

C. Work with me, and together we could find the truth of the superiority of Christ and His message over Paul or any other writer in the New Testament.

I really thought that Ted's input to our discussion would be valuable.

I really never thought that the first thing Ted would do was make a multi part sermon on the “Anti-Paul Faction” to blast me from his pulpit.

If I had known that, I would have never contacted Ted Weiland in the first place.

That was the first lesson that Ted taught me: "Don't trust Ted Weiland!"

Ted Weiland should have at least given me the courtesy of calling me or emailing me and asking for my permission to use my private letters as the source of his public sermons.

But no, Ted doesn't work that way. Only a "gentleman" does that. Ted hits you with a sucker punch before you have time to duck.



The second lesson I learned is to never share anything personal with a pastor who is not accountable to other people.

I am so very glad I discussed only the supremacy of Christ with Ted Weiland and did not tell him something that was my own personal problem that he could make into a public sermon.

Of course, my friends that took in the young girl with no place to go did not ever tell Ted Weiland anything, but Ted found out about their private situation and then used their information to make his "Misplaced Chivalry" public sermons, all at their expense.

I guess their mistake was to have anything in common with Ted at all, or to even let Ted know who they were. They are now "somewhat hiding" from Ted Weiland and anyone associated with him, or at least you can say they have moved out of state with no forwarding address.

My other friend wrote Ted a private letter, and that is why Ted publicly accused his wife of having "Cuban ancestry." My friend's mistake was to confide in someone who is not trustworthy or accountable to others.

Every Christian pastor is supposed to act as a private counselor. A pastor should be trustworthy enough for someone to feel that they can share their most private problems with them and not repeat them to others.

I think the most disappointing thing about Ted Weiland is that he cannot keep something confidential. But that is not the worst problem.

The worst problem is that Ted Weiland has no remorse or regret for what he does to other people.

This is a serious personality flaw, and this should have excluded Ted Weiland from ever being a Christian pastor. Ted would have been dismissed immediately from being a pastor by the eldership of any mainline church long ago for this type of behavior.

So beyond hurting the reputations of my friends, Ted Weiland has hurt the cause of Christ by not working in private with those that trust him, and that is where I hold him responsible.

As a result of all of this, I have learned that I will never share my private problems with any Christian pastor. It would be much better to discuss my personal problems with a licensed counselor, who, if they made my private matters public, I could at least haul before an ethics board and have their certification taken away.

But I cannot do that with Ted Weiland. He can divulge confidential information about anyone and ruin their reputations, and there is nothing you or I can do as he is not licensed by the state or under the control of the elders of a church.

That is a hard lesson to learn. Never trust someone who cannot be held accountable to other people for their actions.



The third lesson I learned is that it is nearly impossible to convert a hireling to follow Christ instead of Paul.

Christ said:

John 10:(13) The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.

When someone receives money for teaching God's word, their loyalty is to their income and not to God. You cannot serve God and mammon.

The hireling will not lay down his life for his sheep or sacrifice anything that will cost more than he makes as a hireling.

That is why these "hireling pastors" teach Paul. Paul lets them make money off the "gospel" (1 Cor 9:11), while Christ forbids it. (Matt 10:8)

If someone is taking money for preaching Christ, then they are already violating the words of Christ. That is why the hirelings only teach Paul.

And you are wasting your breath trying to convince a hireling that Christ is superior to Paul.

So, the most important lesson I learned is to ignore the hireling and teach the "Jesus Words Only" doctrine to your fellow Christians. The hireling pastors have already been compromised.

I hope this helps, and you are always welcome to contact me.


John Hurt
1857 Brindley Hollow Rd
Buffalo Valley, TN 38548

Whatever you tell me will be kept confidential and will not be repeated.


If you would like to learn how Christ is superior to all other writers in the New Testament, please go to jesuswordsonly.org


A Message to Ted Weiland.