A Review of Ted R. Weiland and Mission to Israel Ministries.

Teaching of Ted R. Weiland

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A Review of Ted R. Weiland
and Mission to Israel Ministries



The Result of the Second Step of Matthew 18:15-17

By John Hurt


The Second Step of Matthew 18:15-17 is:

Matthew 18:(16) But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

To do the Second Step of Matthew 18:15-17 and take two or three witnesses and meet with Ted, that was a problem. I could not meet with Ted with two or more witnesses so that every word may be established, as Ted lives in Nebraska, and I live in Tennessee.

Also, Ted would not respond to my letters to him as he completely ignored me. So if I had taken several people with me and traveled 1200 miles to knock on Ted's door, I don't believe Ted would have answered.

So I had to consider that the letters themselves would establish every word that I transmitted to Ted, and and act as a second witness to satisfy Step 2 of Matthew 18:15-17. The letters also contained my request to Ted that we both follow Matthew 18:15-17 and resolve this matter in private.

Establishing exactly what was said seems to be the major purpose of Step 2, and documenting my conversation through written correspondence was my best solution for Step #2.

Likewise, Ted has documented his words about me with his 9 part public audio sermons called "The Anti-Paul Faction".

The "two or three witnesses" of Step 2 of Matthew 18:15-17 also seems to be about having a neutral 3rd party to help us resolve our differences, before they are made public. I had no one I knew in common with Ted that could do this.

But after the tedweiland.com site became popular on Google, a good Christian brother that knows Ted contacted me and offered to help Ted and I work together to resolve this problem. So I took down the tedweiland.com website on 3/15/2024 so the matter could be resolved privately.

With the help of this Christian brother, I asked Ted Weiland to likewise remove his The "Anti-Paul Faction" - Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 from his website, as he created these sermons by using my private correspondence without my permisson.

Ted refused to take anything off his website. He made it plain he did not care about me or my reputation at all.

Ted wanted me to remove this website, but Ted said he wasn't going to reciprocate by changing anything on his website.

I also asked that Ted remove the "Misplaced Chivalry" sermons from his website for the same reason; because Ted had created these sermons by destroying the reputations of my friends without their permission, and by using the same technique as he had used on me.

Ted Weiland's technique is blast you from his pulpit without ever saying your name, but what he says is so specific, it can only be in reference to you and no one else. Then "somehow", your name leaks out and everyone finds out that you are the person who was the subject of Ted's sermons.

Ted could have easily taken just my arguments in the letters I wrote to him and attacked only the general points I made, and not made a personal attack against me. But no, that is not how Ted works.

Ted deliberately went through my private correspondence to him, line by line, and ridiculed everything I had said in private to him.

Ted also ignored anything I wrote in my letters that he could not answer, and then belittled my other questions to him by taking them out of context. So it was a very one sided attack.

Then Ted called his sermons "The Anti-Paul Faction", yet his sermons were based only on the correspondence that I wrote to him. So the "Faction" Ted blasted was actually myself, a single person.

In our email discussions, I told Ted that there is not an exception clause in Matthew 18:15-17 that lets you go to "Step 3" first if you don't say someone's name, and then later leak out their name to everyone.

Ted Weiland emailed to me that as long as he never says someone's name then Matthew 18:15-17 does not apply to him, even if everyone finds out later who it was.

Ted Weiland had no remorse or regret for humiliating me or his other fellow Christians without meeting with them in private first.

In Ted's email to me, the other reason Ted used to justify his actions is that since Jesus Christ publicly condemned the non-Christian Pharisees as a group in Matthew 23 without ever first meeting in private with each individual Pharisee, then Ted was authorized by the example of Christ to publicly condemn each of his fellow Christians as individuals without ever first meeting with them in private too.

This is the bizarre logic Ted used to say that Matthew 18:15-17 doesn't apply to him or his ministry.

I told Ted by email that he was not Jesus Christ, and his Christian brothers are not Pharisees, and all of us, including Ted, must obey what Christ said in Matthew 18:15-17 and meet in private first.

Ted then did everything to change the subject away from his willful disregard of following Christ's commandment in Matthew 18:15-17 that he should meet in private first before attacking someone in public.

Ted tried to change the subject to whether "miscegenation" was a sin, or whether protecting someone against "daughter theft" as in the case of his "Misplaced Chivalry" sermons was important. (Ted had destroyed the reputations of two of my friends with these arguments, and was trying to justify himself about not meeting in private with them first.) For anyone that knows both sides of what happened in these cases, these two issues that Ted brought up are not applicable to the people Ted denounced.

Regardless, Ted denounced these people in public for having these problems, without first trying to help them resolve their problems in private.

When I tried to change the subject back to "no matter what the problem was, you still need to meet with these people in private first, and then with witnesses, before you denounce them in public" - Ted just lost it.

Ted Weiland's ego made it impossible for him to realize that he ever did anything wrong.

Then Ted called me a "fool" by quoting Proverbs 26:4 and applying it to me, a "pig" by referencing me with Matthew 7:6, that I was "double-minded" as in James 1:8, and then "proved" that I made up everything and was incorrect in what I said by quoting Nehemiah 6:8.

Ted then said he would never respond to me again. Apparently, I had backed him into a corner on his refusal to follow Matthew 18:15-17 and meet with people in private first before he denounces them from his pulpit. Ted did not like that at all, that anyone could say that Ted Weiland could ever have a serious fault in how he deals with other people.

To me, Ted's behavior is not Christian, and should exclude someone like Ted Weiland from ever being considered as a Christian minister.

I hate to put this up on a website, as I know it will ruin whatever relationships I had with the people in Ted's group. But all of us need to be warned, especially newcomers, about Ted's behavior and how he abuses the reputations of other Christians in his "ministry."

And if you join Ted's group, don't be surprised if "for no reason at all", he blasts you from his pulpit, but never says your name. You have been warned.

This is a very "back handed" way that Ted uses to have power over other people.

So, as part of Step 2, I asked Ted to repent and make some sort of public statement that he was wrong for not following Matthew 18:15-17 in these cases, and he refused. No Minister of Christ should ever use the reputations of their fellow Christian as "fodder" for their public sermons.

I don't need a public apology from Ted for my own ego. But an apology would be the only form of assurance that Ted will never publicly humiliate his fellow Christians with this technique again.

And since Ted sinned against my friends and I in public, I believe he needs to repent in public.

Ted Weiland absolutely refused. He doesn't think it is wrong at all to violate Matthew 18:15-17 if he doesn't say your name, but "somehow" it leaks out later that it was you are the subject of his sermons.

And so this website is now back online.

So Step 2 has been accomplished. And I had really hoped that I could work with Ted Weiland. Ted has a lot of good characteristics, but he can be very stubborn.


Next Chapter:

The Result of the Third Step of Matthew 18:15-17





You can contact me at:

John Hurt
1857 Brindley Hollow Rd
Buffalo Valley, TN 38548

Whatever you tell me will be kept confidential and will not be repeated.


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