A Review of Ted R. Weiland and Mission to Israel Ministries.

Teaching of Ted R. Weiland

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A Review of Ted R. Weiland
and Mission to Israel Ministries



The Result of the Third Step of Matthew 18:15-17

By John Hurt


I am now at the Third Step of Matthew 18:15-17 to “tell it to the church” as Christ commanded, and that is the reason for this website.

I did not want to make this website, but Christ instructed me to "tell it to the church". I am only doing what Christ told me to do:

Matthew 18:(17) And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

Perhaps "the church" can talk to Ted Weiland about his behavior of humiliating the people that participate in his ministry. If Ted heard it "from the church", which would be the people involved in his ministry, then that might make a difference and help Ted change his behavior.

And please note that in my letters to Ted Weiland, I repeatedly asked Ted Weiland not to use my private letters to him in his public sermons, but he did it anyway, without my permission. So if you complain to Ted in private about his behavior, be warned that he might respond to you only in public with a 20 part sermon.

Problems like this should be discussed between Christians in private. And I would have just "dropped it" if Ted had not "gone public" immediately after I sent my first private letters to him. But people need to be warned, because Ted has a "history" of this type of behavior.

And for new Christians that are weak in their faith, being humiliated in public by a Christian Minister can really hurt their faith. I saw that with my friends that were also the subject of abuse from Ted's sermons, as it seemed like something inside them "died" after Ted attacked them. And to top it off, they all considered themselves to be friends of Ted Weiland, as they had never said anything bad about him at all.

Likewise, I thought I was Ted's friend, or at least a good associate of Ted Weiland before Ted launched his sermons against me.

So what is the reason Ted is publicly humiliating me for sending my private letters to him?

Because I dared to ask Ted Weiland, in the most polite and sincere manner, to preach Christ and not Paul. Read my letters, and you can see that "my only crime" against Ted is to encourage Ted Weiland to preach Christ.


Next Chapter:

How Ted Weiland Destroyed the Reputations of Three Families





You can contact me at:

John Hurt
1857 Brindley Hollow Rd
Buffalo Valley, TN 38548

Whatever you tell me will be kept confidential and will not be repeated.


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