
A Review of Ted R. Weiland and Mission to Israel Ministries.

Teaching of Ted R. Weiland

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A Review of Ted R. Weiland
and Mission to Israel Ministries



Is the Old Testament "Tithe" Superior to Christ?

By John Hurt


Christ said to His True Followers in Matthew 10:8: "Freely give, for freely you have received."

Christ said that His Teachings should not be sold for money.

Ted Weiland teaches that it is necessary to “tithe” or give 10% of your income for the support of various “kingdom ministers,” like himself, I suppose.

Ted's series of lessons on "Tithing" can be found on his audio list at:

Kingdom Tithing - Part 1 to 13.

Here is the title that Ted gives to these lessons:

"Biblically demonstrates that tithing is still applicable under the New Covenant and reveals why it is a crucial part of establishing and maintaining Yahweh's Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven."

But think about it. The "tithe" is not found in the New Testament. The "tithe" is only found in the "Sacrificial Law" of the Old Testament.

The purpose of the Tithe was to support the Temple Priests who offered animal sacrifices under the Sacrificial Law.

Yet Ted has said that not just the Sacrificial Law has been abolished, but that entire parts of “Law of Moses” have been voided, including the Dietary Law.

So if the “Sacrificial Law” has been abolished, then so has the tithe.

You won’t find the tithe in any of the New Testament writings, for God has made all of us “Kings and Priests” (Rev 1:6, Rev 5:10), with Christ as our “High Priest.”

Christ as our High Priest has made an offering for sin for all of us in heaven in the tabernacle made without hands. (Hebrews 9:11)

Hebrews 9:22-28 tells us that the Sacrifice of Christ is the sacrificial law of the New Testament.

Since the Sacrificial Law is now with Christ in heaven in the tabernacle made without hands, then we are now all priests with Christ as our High Priest. (Revelation 1:6, 1 Peter 2:5, Revelation 20:6)

So, as a priest, you don’t need to tithe to Ted Weiland anymore than Ted Weiland needs to tithe to you. The tithe is obsolete now. We are all priests. We should all be teaching God’s Word, and not charging anyone for it.

Christ said that no money should change hands for preaching His Message, but that we should "Freely give, for freely you have received." Matthew 10:8

So realizing what Christ said, and that the tithe is entirely "Old Testament," we need to reconsider what Ted Weiland teaches.

When you hear Ted Weiland say that you need to tithe to “kingdom ministers” while at the same time telling you that the “Law of Moses” has been abolished – that is ridiculous.

No one should ever give anyone 10% of their income as a tithe.

And the 10% tithe, plus some other offerings, was the entire tax bill of the Israelites. Ted Weiland wants what was the entire tax bill for Israel from you as his own personal income.

Ted R. Weiland

All Ted needs is 10 people to give him a “tithe” of 10% of their income, and Ted Weiland does not have to work anymore.

If Ted can get 20 people to send him their “tithe,” then Ted would receive twice the average working man’s wages.


Ted Weiland has no overhead. There is no church building to keep up, no food pantry, and no homeless shelter. Where does your donation go when you give it to Ted Weiland?

How much does Ted Weiland make each year? All I know is that Ted can easily travel and go wherever he pleases, as funds are not a problem for him.

Ted likes Paul because Paul teaches that you can receive payment for preaching (1 Cor 9:11) while Christ and Peter forbid it. (Matthew 10:8, 1 Peter 5:2). That is why Ted Weiland naturally supports Paul over Christ. Ted needs the money so he won’t have to work a steady job for someone else, like the rest of us.


And what does Ted Weiland do all day?

While we remember the 7th day Sabbath, we are also instructed to work for a living the other 6 days:

Exodus 20:(9) Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

We all must work six days a week and rest only one day.

If you notice, Ted Weiland only produces two audio sermons a month, published on the 1st and 15th of each month.

I cannot for the life of me see how any “full time preacher” without a church building, food pantry, or homeless shelter or providing any other ministry to help those in need, and that only produces two audio sermons a month, could be working 6 days a week.

How could someone be working six days a week, eight hours a day, to produce just two audio sermons a month?

Please prove me wrong. But by producing only two audio sermons a month, plus writing maybe one book a year, I cannot see that Ted Weiland is working six days a week and earning his living by the sweat of his brow.

I believe that Ted Weiland needs to follow Christ and quit taking money from his followers, even if that means he has to "work a real job" like the rest of us.


Next Chapter:

Ted Weiland's “Anti-Paul Faction” Sermons





You can contact me at:

John Hurt
1857 Brindley Hollow Rd
Buffalo Valley, TN 38548

Whatever you tell me will be kept confidential and will not be repeated.


If you would like to learn how Christ is superior to all other writers in the New Testament, please go to jesuswordsonly.org