A Review of Ted R. Weiland and Mission to Israel Ministries.

Teaching of Ted R. Weiland

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A Review of Ted R. Weiland
and Mission to Israel Ministries



The Result of the First Step of Matthew 18:15-17

By John Hurt




I accomplished the First Step of Matthew 18:15-17 with Ted Weiland that Christ said our discussion should be “between thee and him alone” because I felt I needed to show Ted in private that Christ is supreme. I did this in private by sending letters to Ted through the US Postal Mail, which you can read here:

Letter 1 - April 26th, 2023
Letter 2 - May 5th, 2023
Letter 3 - May 19th, 2023
Letter 4 - June 5th, 2023
Letter 5 - June 21st, 2023
Letter 6 - June 24th, 2023
Letter 7 - August 3rd, 2023

If you read my letters, you will see that I did my best to be polite to Ted Weiland, and I tried in a very positive way to encourage him to preach Christ instead of Paul.

I had hoped these letters would encourage Ted to write me back or call me so we could discuss the Supremacy of Christ. But no. Ted Weiland did not care enough about me to write, call, or even email me.

I never intended to go beyond the First Step of Matthew 18:15-17, and I wanted ALL of our discussions to be in private. I really thought that Ted Weiland would either ignore me, write me back and tell me I was wrong, or perhaps we could work together to find the truth.


Ted Weiland's Public Response to My Private Correspondence

Ted Weiland's only response to me was to make a nine part series of audio sermons called The "Anti-Paul Faction", which he immediately posted on his website.

I could not believe it! What a mistake I made! Ted immediately started blasting me from his pulpit, based on my private correspondence to him.

There was no phone call, no email, and no written correspondence from Ted Weiland asking for my permission to use my private letters for his sermons.

His only response to me was to post 9 audio sermons on his website, where he referred to me as the "letter writer" and said that I was an "ignoramus" and other names.

And what he said wasn't fair. His sermons twisted what I said into a "straw man" that he could easily defeat with a one-sided discussion, with just Ted speaking and not me.

Ted has his pulpit, and I had no way to refute what Ted had said.

So while I was still at Step 1 of what Christ said, Ted jumped ahead to Step 3 and "brought unto the church" without resolving anything in private, as Christ commands.

But regardless of what Ted Weiland did, I knew I still needed to follow the three-step process that Christ commanded.


How Our Discussion Changed:

And so my controversy with Ted was no longer just a discussion about the Supremacy of Christ, but a response to the fact that Ted Weiland would not follow what Christ said in Matthew 18:15-17 and meet in private with me first.

Instead of following Christ, Ted was intent on publicly humiliating me, all for sending him private letters in the mail that no one else saw.

And what hurt the worst, is that I had considered Ted Weiland to be my friend, and yet he turned on me. At that time, I had never said anything negative to him, and I had never criticized him or his work to anyone else.

Yet Ted deliberately injured my reputation, for no good reason.

Someone can accidentally injure your body, and you can go to the doctor and have it resolved. But your reputation is different.

I tried to contact Ted by writing more letters to him and asking him not to use my private letters in his public sermons, and in my letters I gave him more reasons why I genuinely believe that Christ is Supreme.

But each letter I wrote to Ted only gave him more ammunition for his The "Anti-Paul Faction" sermons.

And Ted wasn't just preaching against the general principles that I wrote in my letters that Christ is Supreme, but Ted was going through my letters, line by line, to make a mockery of everything I had said to him in private.

And then I remembered that several years earlier, Ted Weiland had destroyed the reputations of my friends the exact same way, by blasting them from his pulpit. Like me, my friends considered Ted Weiland to be their friend too, and they were totally blindsided by his behavior. What makes Ted do this?

The problem now was that I needed to confront Ted Weiland about what he had done, and tell him that he should never denounce his fellow Christians in public without meeting in private first. All of us must follow Christ's commandment in Matthew 18:15-17 to meet with each other in private first to resolve our differences before we bring anything out in public.

Yet Ted would not respond to me, and basically cut me off.

So the question was, how do I proceed in such a circumstance?


Next Chapter:

The Result of the Second Step of Matthew 18:15-17





You can contact me at:

John Hurt
1857 Brindley Hollow Rd
Buffalo Valley, TN 38548

Whatever you tell me will be kept confidential and will not be repeated.


If you would like to learn how Christ is superior to all other writers in the New Testament, please go to jesuswordsonly.org